Petrova O. The lichen genus Usnea in eastern Gennoscandia. III Shrubby species. Ann. Bot. Fennici. 1999, 36, p. 235-256.

ANN. BOT. FENNICI 36 (1999) • Usnea in East Fennoscandia. III. 255 type, here designated). Chemistry: usnic and salazinic ac- ids. The specimen is a terminal part of a thallus which prob- ably represents Usnea filipendula . The syntype from Esto- nia, Saaremaa, Kihelkonna was not found. The “type” (in- correct since not syntype) used by Motyka (1936: 280) for U. laricina [Russia, Republic of Karelia, Karelia ladogensis, Valaam (Valamo), 1923 Hiitonen , H!, chemistry: usnic and thamnolic acids] represents Usnea subfloridana . Usnea leucostictoides Räsänen, Memoranda Soc. Fauna Fl. Fenn. 8: 187. 1933.— Usnea diplotypus var. leucostictoi- des (Räsänen) Räsänen, Lich. Fenn. Exs. no. 9 (Schedae: 3). 1935.—Type: Russia. Republic of Karelia, Karelia lado- gensis, Kurkijoki, Majasaari, on rock (kalliolla), 1931 Räsä- nen (H!, lectotype, here designated; H! isolectotype), fer- tile. Chemistry: usnic and salazinic acids. The thalli are ± pendent and have abundant foveoles. They represent aber- rant thalli of the pendent species Usnea scabrata s. lato. Usnea monstruosa Vain., Meddeland. Soc. Fauna Fl. Fenn. 48: 173. 1925 (‘1924’). —Type: Finland. Nurmijärvi, Numlahti (Numlaks), ad corticem arboris, 1907 Vainio (TUR-V835!, lectotype, here designated; isolectotype TUR- V 834!). Chemistry: salazinic and protocetraric acids, and an unknown fatty acid A4/B5/C5 (lectotype, TLC by P. Clerc). P. Clerc (in litt.) has concluded that the type ma- terial represents strongly modified thalli of an unidentified pendent species. We agree with his conclusion. Also Kling- stedt (1965: 13) noted that no other material he had seen in the Finnish Usnea collections exactly matches Vainio’s original material and that the other Finnish material is not conspecific. He also reports that part of the type material in TUR-V was lost during World War II. Acknowledgements : We are grateful to Dr. Philippe Clerc (Geneva) for his considerable help in confirmation or de- termination of plenty of East Fennoscandian Usnea speci- mens. The staff members of the cited herbaria are also thank- ed, as are Dr. Tuuli Timonen and Helvi Mikkola for the photographs and Sirkka-Liisa Peltonen for the map of the biogeographical provinces of East Fennoscandia. The study was financially supported by the Academy of Finland through a project led by T. Ahti 1991–1996, and by the Emil Aaltonen Foundation. REFERENCES Ahlner, S. 1937: Flechten aus Nordfinnland. — Ann. Bot. Soc. Zool. Bot. Fennicae Vanamo 9(1): 1–48. Ahti, T., Hämet-Ahti, L. & Jalas, J. 1968: Vegetation zones and their sections in northwestern Europe. — Ann. Bot. Fennici 5: 169–211. Asahina, Y. 1956: Lichens of Japan. Vol. III. Genus Usnea . —Res. Inst. Nat. Resources, Shinjuku, Tokyo. 129 pp. Bystrek, J. 1994a: Studien über die FlechtengattungenUsnea in Europe . —Wydaw. Uniw. 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