Белоус, Е. В. Не о любви. Rondom play / Екатерина Белоус. - Мурманск : Рекламная полиграфия, 2003. - 55, [1] с. : ил.

And, breathless with awe and excitement, I reached for the Cup and the Key. And everything was so clear - I know where I shall fall - And neither regret nor fear, And no complications at all. New Year, 2001 New Year is coming, and all we can do is to wait for th approaching sledge, to think of the days that you thoughtlessly slew, to muse on the verge and the edge. New Year 1 like more than summer or spring: you needn't be gay or content, for Christmas, you know, is a family thing; New Year for the lonely is meant. For all your regrets, and pennyworth fights, for all your breakdowns and scars - New Year’s the time when you kindle the lights and talk to incredible stars. St.Nicholas will pick up his brand new PC, sit down and open the file, and clicking the mouse will look back at me and wink with a rueful smile. New Year, 2002 The stars are twinkling and the skies are clear, and lights - to celebrate the Holy Birth... Best wishes for this Christmas and New Year for all the people on this tiny Earth. When courage fails and tenderness is scanty, 53